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RPE OSLC RQM Test Case URI question

Dylan Mansour (21818) | asked Dec 19 '16, 9:50 a.m.
 Hello everyone.

I am trying to run the DOORS2QM rpe template found here:!/wiki/Rational%20Publishing%20Engine/page/Unclassified%20%26%20Cross%20Domain%20Templates

My question is how to configure the second data source.  I am using this URI:

filling in my host and my custom hashed value, but it does not seem to working.  
I have also tried this URI:

and it did not work either.

Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?  Do I need to change something else?

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permanent link
Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Dec 19 '16, 12:38 p.m.
You need not set the URL for second data source since it is set dynamically (using module/object/externLink/URL). You just need to provide the credentials. Please check "Configuration required" property for this data source (in Properties view).

Dylan Mansour commented Dec 19 '16, 12:56 p.m.

 When I provide just my credentials, it says 'invalid data source configuration'.  Then the abort engine execution message pops up and it stops generating.  

Do I need to set the qmTestCaseURL_ variable?

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