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Where to find Help menu css file

pan tianming (4765644) | asked Nov 29 '12, 4:39 a.m.
In the RAM right corner, it has a help menu, it will show extensions
After we upgrade RAM server to 7511 , for our customize theme, it not contain help menu, but in our RAM UI that menu is missing.
We found following content in Firebug for this help menu:
<div class="gloNav" id="helpNav"><a onclick="helpMenuPopup.showPopup('helpMenuLink');dropMenu(this.parentNode, 'helpMenu');" href="javascript:;" name="helpMenuLink" id="helpMenuLink"><div class="gloNavArrow">Help</div></a></div> 

But not sure if RAM server which file contain it.
I search it in the path:

But not get this help menu definition.
Could you tell me its UI style is stored in which file?

Gili Mendel commented Nov 29 '12, 9:02 a.m. | edited Nov 29 '12, 10:00 a.m.

If you restore to the default theme, everything looks ok?  If so, You should  compare the deltas of your specific thems with the current theme level.

pan tianming commented Nov 29 '12, 8:38 p.m.

Hi Gili,
Last time I asked Sheehan how to find search box besides "Help" button, he provide the SearchBox.css file as reference.
I send mail to RAM L2 team ask for customize problem because iRAM team suggest us do that, but no response yet, so we try if can fix it by ourselves.
Since we have searched all of our customize UI can update place, but not find helpMenu, is it possible you provide the file name like SearchBox.css?

One answer

permanent link
Eric Bordeau (27632) | answered Nov 30 '12, 10:35 a.m.
Try looking at javascript/dojo/jazz/ui/templates/MegaMenu.css

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