RAM: How can we determine if no floating licenses are available?
We have floating licenses that our users share when accessing Rational Asset Manager. We use the command line for downloading assets from RAM. If the floating licenses are all currently in use when another user runs a command to download an asset, the error below is shown which says that the asset version does not exist in RAM, even though it actually does exist on the server -- the actual error is that the user cannot obtain a floating license to use for accessing RAM. The error looks exactly the same as when an asset does not exist on the RAM server.
C:\ram\Client\ram get "TRDS" 1.0.4 -d "C:\assets\TRDS" -n -config "C:\Users\jessie.ram\ramconfig.properties"
Package TRDS with version 1.0.4 does not exist on the library server.
The command did not complete successfully.
Is there any way from the command line (or using Java API) to determine if there are floating licenses available or not? We would like to give the user a better error message, or maybe wait and retry when a license becomes available. It would also be nice to know how often this occurs that a user is unable to obtain a license, so that we can better plan if we need to buy more licenses.
We are using Rational Asset Manager
Thank you.