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publish z/OS artifact in the build result - artifactFilePublisher

Bernd van Oostrum (21735673) | asked Nov 27 '12, 4:23 p.m.

I'm wondering if I can publish the output created during a dependency build (on the z/OS) to the build result. Something like artifactFilePublisher with support for members on the z/OS.


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Tami Takamiya (2011110) | answered Nov 29 '12, 11:07 a.m.
If the outputs are texts, you can publish them as log files by setting the publish flag of the DD allocation in the translator.  But I guess you are looking for a way to publish binaries, probably program objects and it would not be easy even though it might not impossible.

In the z/OS dependency build, a build creates a build report (buildReport.xml), which summarizes the output files generated in a build.  There is another file called, which lists the output files in the properties file format.  I think you need to parse either of files to get the list of output members to be published and convert those members into a sequential file in the transferable XMIT format using TSO TRANSMIT command.

After a sequential file is obtained, you can issue z/OS Unix's cp (or mv) command to copy (or move) the sequential data set to a file in the z/OS Unix file system.  Once the file is copied on the Unix file system, you can use artifactFilePublisher.

Theoretically, those process can be performed in the "Post-Build Command Line" configuration for your dependency build definition.  But it would require some coding and I have never done it by myself.

Bernd van Oostrum selected this answer as the correct answer

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