Is there an equivalent of IImpersonationService for plain java API?

is possible to impersonate other user with plain java API as it is possible on server side?
I'd like to perform some action from inside a build and I don't like to pass user/password information in order to login to the server. I'd prefer to use a single technical user that can impersonate other users.
3 answers

I am not sure I understand the question. If you run something in a build, it is run in the context of the user running the build - which is usually a technical user.. You can also pass arguments like another user ID or password, or read them (I think) from a password file to use another user. However, there is no way to act as another user I am aware of.

I'd like to impersonate other users using a technical JazzAdmin user (as I can do on server side) because otherwise I would have to create password files for each user on the compile machine in order to use on custom tasks (I don't like to put password directly in build properties for security reason).
Michele. is not available as Plain Java Client API. Anyway, you could try to add it from RTC SDK to your client classpath and then to get it as:
IImpersonationService impersonationService = (IImpersonationService) ((IClientLibraryContext) repo).getServiceInterface(IImpersonationService.class);
Maybe... :)

Does it works? Have you tried? Generally I've always had problems when I tried to mix Plain API and SDK, but if it works without side effects I will give a try :-)

Well, impersonating users works but you cannot just invoking IImpersonationService from a plain Java client due to: CRJAZ0055E The service is not accessible com.sun.proxy.$Proxy25.runAs(Unknown Source)
You have to do some work:
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