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Control/rename a build snapshot name.

We are using the "Command Line - Jazz Build" build definition template, with Jazz Source Control, and "Accept latest changes before loading". This creates a snapshot with the build definition name and then a timestamp/buid number.
Like: COMPONENT_NAME_20130823-233.
We would like to be able to change the snapshot name from the build.
Is this possible?
(It would have to be either an Ant task or a scm command.)
3 answers

Chris, you can do something like this :
<target name="createSnapshot">
<exec executable="scm">
<arg line="create snapshot -r ${rtcWorkspaceNickName} -n ${rtcWorkspace}_${buildID} ${rtcWorkspace}"/>
The snapshot name is : ${rtcWorkspace}_${buildID}
The first part ${rtcWorkspace} is the rtc workspace name, you can replacee with <component_name> or any name you would like to use.
The second part ${buildID} is the current timestamp such as : 20130823_2330
<target name="createSnapshot">
<exec executable="scm">
<arg line="create snapshot -r ${rtcWorkspaceNickName} -n ${rtcWorkspace}_${buildID} ${rtcWorkspace}"/>
The snapshot name is : ${rtcWorkspace}_${buildID}
The first part ${rtcWorkspace} is the rtc workspace name, you can replacee with <component_name> or any name you would like to use.
The second part ${buildID} is the current timestamp such as : 20130823_2330