Copy/Paste results in Chinese on Ubuntu 12.04

I'm using RTC Client 4.0.1 on Ubuntu 12.04.
When I select a text in a web browser and copy it to clipboard (e.g. "") and then paste it directly into "Comments" section of a work item I get Chinese looking text (e.g. 洼瑥瑨灴攭畱癩∽潣瑮湥祴数•潣瑮湥㵴琢硥⽴瑨汭※档牡敳㵴瑵ⵦ∸㰾牨晥∽瑨灴㩳⼯慪空渮瑥是牯浵焯敵瑳潩獮愯歳∯栾瑴獰⼺樯穡敮⽴潦畲⽭畱獥楴湯⽳獡⽫⼼㹡).
Pasting the same contents into a system Text Editor works correctly and I see expected text (not the Chinese).
Is this a known problem with Ubuntu, or with Eclipse or something wrong with RTC client?
I've not seen this copy/paste behavior with any other program in my system.
Thank you
Accepted answer

This was an issue with Eclipse which was not reading the BOM of the clipboard correctly and would produce the Chinese characters (Eclipse bug:
This has been fixed in Eclipse 3.8. Please note that you should use Eclipse 3.8.1 as there is another copy/paste related bug in Eclipse 3.8.0. (
Note: Unfortunately, there is still another bug lingering in Eclipse 3.8.1 which will make the resolved work items in the My Work view hardly readable: