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error during zimport

Angelo Corna (26358383) | asked Nov 19 '12, 12:26 p.m.
 During a PDS library import with scm zimport command, we receive the following error

Uploading contents. Please wait.
Problem running 'zimport':
CRHTC0610E An error occurred while sharing the components.

We've tried to delete and recreate the SCM_WORK directory but no luck.
The PDS contains 146 members. If we try to import few members (100), the zimport ends without problems.
No space problems with SCM_WORK directory filesystem.

Thanks in advance.

3 answers

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Angelo Corna (26358383) | answered Nov 19 '12, 12:39 p.m.
some other information:
- no problems founded on system logs
- following the suggestion of this technote
  we've tried to change the zimport command with -Xmx parameter. The command is 
        /SYPX/RTC400/scmtools/eclipse/scm zimport  -Xmx1024M --hlq  .........

 but we receive the following error

Argument syntax error:                                                  
Malformed option to subcommand: -Xmx1024M. Try 'scm help zimport' for m........


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Robin Bobbitt (59679) | answered Nov 19 '12, 1:11 p.m.
The directions in that technote for adjusting memory are incorrect. You will need to modify the scm script itself. Take a look and you should see an entry like this:

exec "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" -Xquickstart -Xmx512m -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6 -jar "$PRGPATH/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.1.1.R36x_v20101122_1400.jar" -os zos -data "@noDefault" -configuration $WRKPATH/scmtools "$@"

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Angelo Corna (26358383) | answered Nov 20 '12, 10:39 a.m.
 We've made all the zimport steps manually. During the share of the zcomponent project, we received the error described on this post

Changing the directory name, we've solved also the zimport problem.

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