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Making a custom attribute sortable in work item query editor

Kevin Kingsbury (611310) | asked Oct 20 '08, 3:55 p.m.

I am wanting to make a custom attribute sortable in the work item query editor. However, the custom attributes that I have defined do not show up
in the sorting choices of the query result layout tab.

Is there something that I missed when configuring the custom attributes? Or is this even possible?


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Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | answered Oct 21 '08, 3:30 a.m.
I am wanting to make a custom attribute sortable in the work item
query editor. However, the custom attributes that I have defined do
not show up
in the sorting choices of the query result layout tab.

Is there something that I missed when configuring the custom
attributes? Or is this even possible?

You can sort by custom attribute on the client by clicking the column
header, but sorting by custom attribute on the repository is currently
not possible. That's why the attributes are not shown in the Query Editor.

Jazz Work Item Team

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