Difference between Rational OSLC Adapter for HP ALM and Work Item 44237
What is the difference between the Rational OSLC Adapter for HP ALM (with RRC integration) and the Work Item 44237- HP-QC Integration to RM (CLM)? Are both the same in terms of functionality?
Our organization is looking for a synchronization solution (i.e., physical movement of requirement artifacts) between RRC and ALM/QC and I understand that neither the Adapter or the RM integration support it. But can the User/Tester in ALM/QC atleast view the requirement artifact (primary text) without accessing RRC?
Accepted answer
The Rational OSLC Adapter for HP ALM and the adapter referenced in the work item are the same. This adapter is now generally available and supported. The following blog has more details: https://jazz.net/blog/index.php/2012/10/22/extending-your-rational-alm-solutions-to-third-party-tools-with-the-ibm-rational-lifecycle-integration-adapters/. This blog also references a live demo session happening today which may be a good opportunity for you to see what the adapter does and ask any questions that you may have.