How to set build record ID in RQM using CommandLineAdapter?
Hi guys
I am trying to associate build record with test execution result (RQM using CommandLineAdapter(CLA). What I have to put in CommandLineLogResult.setBuildId method in order to achieve association mentioned in previous sentence? I want to have build record link in field Build of Test Result viewed in web browser interface of RQM. What is the type of ID to place: fullID, urnID, webID or another one? Or maybe there is another way to achieve my goal?
2 answers
When you run the test, in the execution pop up dialog, you should also select the build on which you are executing the Test case. Once that is select, everything else will be taken case automatically.
The build should be a valid Build Record artifact in RQM. With RTC build integration in place, these build records are created automatically when RTC build happens. Otherwise you can always create build record manually in RQM.
The build should be a valid Build Record artifact in RQM. With RTC build integration in place, these build records are created automatically when RTC build happens. Otherwise you can always create build record manually in RQM.
Thanks Pramod, but I want to do another thing. I check build version on test machine and compare if user defined build on RQM(as you described). If not then I get all builds defined in RQM using REST API and search for ID of my build. Then if it not exists I create new build record using REST API. In both cases I finally have full_ID (http address) of the build (and of course can get other types of ID) and want to set in in test results which are sent to RQM using CLA. I suppose that I have to use method CommandLineLogResult.setBuildId, but I have tried using different IDs there and I still see "Unassigned" in build field of Test Result on RQM. So, I am looking for help in that particular case :) Sorry if I defined my question too general.