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How can I use both Configuration and Context in a getValueSet

Alicia McPherson (7131418) | asked Oct 12 '12, 11:12 a.m.

I'm trying to use both Configuration and Context in a getValueSet function. How can I do so in the DOJO script?
getValueSet: function(attributeId, workItem, context, configuration)

Either context or configuration will work, but I can't use both. Is there another to use both at the same time?


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Vivek Jain (112) | answered Nov 21 '12, 9:35 p.m.
 Hi Alicia, I am also looking for same, but i am not able to take get context value by this function

getValueSet: function(attributeId, workItem, context)

Can you please help me out with an example.

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