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Failed to upgrade to CLM 4.0

haizi wu (6054248) | asked Oct 09 '12, 6:44 a.m.
retagged Nov 05 '12, 12:09 p.m. by Bo Chulindra (1.3k2718)
I have tried to upgrade CLM to 4.0, what I did was like this:
1. install CLM 4.0 in a dir other than CLM
2. run the script  upgrade\jts\jts_upgrade.bat -oldJTSHome JTS3.0.1_install_dir\server\conf, 
upgrade\ccm\ccm_upgrade.bat -oldApplicationHome CCM_3.0.1_install_dir\server\conf,
upgrade\qm\qm_upgrade.bat -oldApplicationHome QM_3.0.1_install_dir\server\conf,
upgrade\rm\rm_upgrade.bat -oldApplicationHome RM_3.0.1_install_dir\server\conf  one by one, it is ok
3. start the server to import the CLM 4.0 license , but I get "CRJAZ1972E" error

what's wrong with it ?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 09 '12, 6:56 a.m.
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Describes the error. I would suggest you look into the upgrade log files as well as the server log files and provide more information about what happens.

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