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How do we upgrade CLM 4.0 to IBMinstallMgr update told us to install, and its install told us to update

Anyone can share with us the experience of an upgrade of RRC from 4.0 to the newly released ? We are actually only interested in upgrading our RRC from 4.0 to to get the fix for CRRRW7291E, however we thought we would upgrade the full CLM package.
We had downloaded JTS-CCM-QM-RM-repo- and use the IBM installation Manager to:
- install: it told us to use Update to change an existing installation.
- Update: It told us that the package cannot be updated , has to be installed.
Does that mean that we have to do full new install to a new group/dir to get up to ?
And that is the only package available for download ? i.e. NO update-repo package ?
Accepted answer

This is the output of repotools-jts -addTables command we ran during our upgrade from 4.0 to It did update the database.
012-10-01 11:49:57,307 Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.repository"...
2012-10-01 11:49:57,308 Post addTables for com.ibm.team.repository took 4 ms.
2012-10-01 11:49:57,308 Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.repository.auth"...
2012-10-01 11:49:57,309 Post addTables for com.ibm.team.repository.auth took 1 ms.
2012-10-01 11:49:57,309 Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.process"...
2012-10-01 11:49:59,212 Post addTables for com.ibm.team.process took 1903 ms.
2012-10-01 11:49:59,213 Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.dashboard"...
2012-10-01 11:49:59,367 Post addTables for com.ibm.team.dashboard took 154 ms.
2012-10-01 11:49:59,368 Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.jfs.resource"...
2012-10-01 11:49:59,368 Post addTables for com.ibm.team.jfs.resource took 0 ms.
2012-10-01 11:49:59,369 Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.links"...
2012-10-01 11:49:59,369 Post addTables for com.ibm.team.links took 0 ms.
2012-10-01 11:49:59,369 Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.reports"...
2012-10-01 11:51:12,657 Post addTables for com.ibm.team.reports took 73288 ms.
2012-10-01 11:51:12,658 Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.repository.friends"...
2012-10-01 11:51:12,658 Post addTables for com.ibm.team.repository.friends took 0 ms.
2012-10-01 11:51:12,660 Running post addTables for "Full Text Migration Handler"...
2012-10-01 11:51:12,661 Post addTables for Full Text Migration Handler took 1 ms.

Thanks Clement. This saves us time to poke into the upgrade scripts to see if there are DB's updates. And we will save time and efforts now with the decision not to upgrade anything but RRC to, which would provide us the fix that we actually need.
BTW Do you imply that there are no DB updates from repotools-ccm and repotools-qm ?
One other answer

You actually need to use the upgrade script and the Installation Manager.
Pls run the Interactive Upgrade Guide and it will tell you every step you need.
Upgrading to version 4.0 fix pack releases
Use this topic to upgrade your product to a fix pack release.
About this task

We did follow the Interactive Upgrade Guide which actually told us to do exactly the same as an upgrade from 3.x to 4.0, which is a full new install to a new group/dir, then run the upgrade scipt.
From 3.x to 4.0, the upgrade scripts updated the DBs, we just wonder if 4.0 to will require any DB updated (for JTS, RTC, RQM) and if not is there any alternative to a full new install first prior to running the upgrade script ?