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How do I resetting permissions for Team Roles?

Muhammad Arif (1143) | asked Oct 06 '08, 4:06 p.m.
In RTC client, I need to reset permissions for projects and teams to the defaults i.e. of fresh install of RTC/RQM. Is it possible to do so?

The reason for asking is that I have been modifying permissions for testing RQM and now need to reset them back to get an other clean start. Wiping out the existing database is not an option because I need the assets in it.

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Johannes Rieken (1.2k1) | answered Oct 07 '08, 2:53 a.m.
arifismail wrote:
In RTC client, I need to reset permissions for projects and teams to
the defaults i.e. of fresh install of RTC/RQM. Is it possible to do

The reason for asking is that I have been modifying permissions for
testing RQM and now need to reset them back to get an other clean
start. Wiping out the existing database is not an option because I
need the assets in it.

The project area editor offers a history. You could load an older
version of the process spec source and replace the current with it.

Cheers, Johannes
Agile Planning Team

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