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Is there any way of getting a list of workitem categories for a specific Project Area using BIRT?

Boris Fornaris (0145) | asked Sep 21 '12, 9:54 a.m.
I need to create a dinamic parameter, recovering a specific atribute for certain workitemCategory. In the table LIVE_WORKITEM_CNT I only can get the attribute WI_TYPE but I dont know what category it belongs.

Is there any way of getting a list of workitemType and  workItemCategories for a specific Project Area using BIRT?

Thank you
Best regards

5 answers

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Clement Liu (1.5k54349) | answered Sep 22 '12, 8:31 p.m.

Scroll down to the Live_Workitem_Cnt

Category_Name String The name of the category which the work item belongs to. This is a concatenation of the simple name of this category with the simple name of all parent categories. For example, "/Reports/UI/Web".

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Boris Fornaris (0145) | answered Sep 24 '12, 6:45 a.m.

Thank you Clement but those are not workItem-categories. Its not the same. I have defined 7 workitem-categories. I can't see those categories in the table you mention.

In order to see the workItem category you must follow these steps:

- Open Project Area ->Tab Project configuration -> Expand (+) Project configuration -> WorkItems -> Types and Attributes

Select a workItem type and you can see just in the right: Name, ID, Category, Icon...etc

I need to find that information in RTC DataWareHouse but I can't find it.

Best regards


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Clement Liu (1.5k54349) | answered Sep 24 '12, 10:20 a.m.
Hrm... just double checked and I did see the Category by using the "WI_TYPE" column in the LIVE_WORITEM_CNT table... Here are the screen shots:

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Boris Fornaris (0145) | answered Sep 24 '12, 10:32 a.m.
edited Sep 24 '12, 10:34 a.m.

Hello Clement

A workItem has two porperties:

WorkItemType and WorkItemCategory

This column WI_TYPE shows all workItemType, but doesn't show the workItemCategory

In the sreenshot, I can see but I can't see

I fixed the issue using two filters. I used the filter "match"  to get by.

Thank you anyway.

Clement Liu commented Sep 25 '12, 7:24 p.m.

ahh...yes, "match"? Can you attach a screen shot? Thanks.

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Boris Fornaris (0145) | answered Sep 26 '12, 3:48 a.m.
edited Sep 26 '12, 7:10 a.m.

I can't attach a image because I don't have more than 60 points, but I can explain it to you.

Lol. I did a fudge. I did it to get by. I'm sure this is not the better solutions but I don't have much time.
First I defined workitems that begin with the same string for the same workitem category. Then I made a match for that string.

<type category="" id="" name="Orden de servicio"/>
<type category="" id="" name="Construcción VEGA"/>
<type category="" id="" name="Construcción HOST"/>
<type category="" id="" name="Construcción fatwire"/>
<type category="" id="" name="Construcción ETL"/>
<type category="" id="" name="Construcción"/>
<type category="" id="" name="Diseño ABAP"/>
<type category="" id="" name="Modelo físico"/>
<type category="" id="" name="Construcción MIRA"/>
<type category="" id="" name="Revisión usabilidad "/>
<type category="" id="" name="Parametrización BI"/>
<type category="" id="" name="Parametrización"/>
<type category="" id="" name="Diseño de procesos"/>

Then at the Birt Dataset I defined a filter in LIVE_WORITEM_CNT table to get all workItemsType for one Category

row["WI_TYPE"] match ""

Boris Fornaris commented Sep 26 '12, 7:09 a.m.

Hi Clement Sorry, I tried to underline sentences but the system showed the entities. Notice that for one Category all workitems ID beginning with the same string.

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