Quality Management job keep failing on QM 4.0
5 answers
Where and how are you running the Data Collection jobs?
From JTS/Admin Reports?
Hi Mark, when not answering the question, it is a good practice to use the "comment" mechanism, rather than "answer" mechanism, so the questions doesn't appear to have been answered in the question list.
Thanks Seth. I didn't even realize there was a Comment vs Answer section. I will use Comments in the future.
2012-09-19 14:34:07,937 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Time Fetching Data: Less than 1ms
2012-09-19 14:34:07,937 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Time Running: Less than 1ms
2012-09-19 14:34:07,937 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: ***Finished Build JUnitEventsBulkMove at 9/19/12 2:34 PM. The build was successful***
2012-09-19 14:34:07,937 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: ***Started Build JUnitResultsBulkMove at 9/19/12 2:34 PM***
2012-09-19 14:34:08,031 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Records Selected: 0
2012-09-19 14:34:08,031 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Records Inserted: 0
2012-09-19 14:34:08,031 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Records Updated: 0
2012-09-19 14:34:08,031 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Time Inserting: 0ms
2012-09-19 14:34:08,031 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Time Updating: 0ms
2012-09-19 14:34:08,031 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Time Looking Up: 0ms
2012-09-19 14:34:08,031 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Time Fetching Data: 0ms
2012-09-19 14:34:08,031 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Time Running: Less than 1ms
2012-09-19 14:34:08,031 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: ***Finished Build JUnitResultsBulkMove at 9/19/12 2:34 PM. The build was successful***
2012-09-19 14:34:08,031 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: ***Started Build BuildResult at 9/19/12 2:34 PM***
2012-09-19 14:34:08,718 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Records Selected: 14
2012-09-19 14:34:08,718 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Records Inserted: 0
2012-09-19 14:34:08,718 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Records Updated: 14
2012-09-19 14:34:08,718 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Time Inserting: 0ms
2012-09-19 14:34:08,718 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Time Updating: Less than 1ms
2012-09-19 14:34:08,718 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Time Looking Up: Less than 1ms
2012-09-19 14:34:08,718 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Time Fetching Data: Less than 1ms
2012-09-19 14:34:08,718 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: Time Running: Less than 1ms
2012-09-19 14:34:08,718 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: ***Finished Build BuildResult at 9/19/12 2:34 PM. The build was successful***
2012-09-19 14:34:08,718 [ WebContainer : 22] DEBUG .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - ETL: ***Started Build CompilationResult at 9/19/12 2:34 PM***
2012-09-19 14:34:33,453 [ WebContainer : 22] ERROR .service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService - com.ibm.rational.etl.common.exception.ETLException: com.ibm.rational.etl.common.exception.ETLException: com.ibm.rational.dataservices.client.auth.AuthenticationException: CRRRE1417E: The HTTP status '500' and the message is 'Internal Server Error'.
java.sql.SQLException: com.ibm.rational.etl.common.exception.ETLException: com.ibm.rational.etl.common.exception.ETLException: com.ibm.rational.dataservices.client.auth.AuthenticationException: CRRRE1417E: The HTTP status '500' and the message is 'Internal Server Error'.
at com.ibm.rational.drivers.jdbc.xml.BaseRDSResultSet.fetchMoreData(BaseRDSResultSet.java:2101)
at com.ibm.rational.drivers.jdbc.xml.BaseRDSResultSet.next(BaseRDSResultSet.java:1472)
at com.ibm.team.datawarehouse.service.XdcResultSet.next(XdcResultSet.java:176)
at com.ibm.team.datawarehouse.service.build.internal.etlbuild.CompilationResult.execute(CompilationResult.java:94)
at com.ibm.team.datawarehouse.service.build.internal.BuildRemoteSnapshotService.updateSnapshot(BuildRemoteSnapshotService.java:101)
at com.ibm.team.datawarehouse.service.etl.AbstractRemoteSnapshotService$1.run(AbstractRemoteSnapshotService.java:211)
The CCM AUthenticationException typically means that the user/password for the job is incorrect. Are there any AuthenticationException errors in the qm-etl.log?
no i could not find any authentication exception in qm-etl.log. moreover while i was setting up the DW, i left the user id and password field blank and let the setup to create the required user. so presumably same authentication parameters are being used for all the jobs. as rest of the job running fine, is there any special consideration for Quality Management and Build job?