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Manohar Rao (2211116) | asked Sep 18 '12, 2:04 p.m.
Can we assume that DOORSNG will support document generation using RRDG on par with what we now have with DOORS 9.4? i.e., no RPE license required and the same or similar set of out-of-the-box templates provided, etc.

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Sep 18 '12, 2:55 p.m.
DOORS NG uses the same RM application running on a Jazz Team Sever as Rational Requirements Composer, so RRC would be your best reference point for understanding reporting (RRDG) capabilities.  It works this way in RRC:
  • An RPE license is only needed to create or modify report templates
  • Templates you do modify can be added to the reporting wizard and made available to users in the product UI.
  • There are a set of report templates provided with RRC

In DOORS NG beta 4 you will find (like DOORS 9) you can print modules in document or table format.

Manohar Rao selected this answer as the correct answer

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