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How to add bulk users into RTC

Faizal Rahman (821015) | asked Sep 13 '12, 1:17 a.m.
What is the best way to add multiple / bulk users into RTC through web client or thick client?

2 answers

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Canberk Akduygu (99237371) | answered Sep 13 '12, 3:02 a.m.
edited Sep 13 '12, 3:04 a.m.
I understand that you want to add people to your JazzTeamServer cause all the user added to JTS are also added to RTC. Just add your users to JazzUser LDAP group. Jazz Team Server runs a nighly synch to synchronize Jazz Groups member to Jazz Environment. You can trigger it manually or change the frequency of those synch.

You can take a look at that link too:

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Don Rota (14932221) | answered Sep 19 '12, 9:51 a.m.
If you're an IBMer, I've built a tool that does this. "Jazz Product User Bulk Add Tool".  Its internal to IBM and free for anyone to use.  It includes support for all products, project creation, adding users, adding admins, licensing, and putting users on teams, and into a bluegroup.  Ping me if you need access.  Unfortunately, at this time, its customized for internal use and not something that is packaged for users.


My tool does not do role mapping.  However, the Jazz API allows for that, and I've heard that they are working on a new GUI for bulk role mapping.

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