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Process template creation - no team areas included - bug?

T M (8877188143) | asked Sep 06 '12, 10:03 a.m.

When I create a process template out of a project, don't I get the team areas of the project included in the process template? IS it a bug?


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Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Sep 06 '12, 11:02 a.m.

The team areas are not in the process template. They are in the DB. If you create a project based on a Out-of-the-Box process template e.g."Scrum" the team areas are created in the initialization phase of the project. This is more like a script which runs.

This means if you want to have a process template with predefined team areas you have to customize the inizialization phase in the process template and not just create team areas in the template project area.

T M selected this answer as the correct answer

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