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Is jazz relevant to C++ projects using Makefile builds?

David Ward (8311214) | asked Jul 23 '07, 8:24 p.m.
Fascinating product ....

I have a couple of newbie questions ....

All of the discussion I've seen so far relates to Java development ....
has anyone tried to use Jazz for a non-Java project ?? Say C++ or C ?? Do
the designers of Jazz intend it to address those projects ?

Is the the build machinery generalized enough to support Makefile builds
rather than ANT ?

Perhaps these questions are addressed in the help articles but I haven't
found anything yet.


2 answers

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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Jul 24 '07, 1:44 p.m.
The Jazz build support is not limited to ANT, but support for writing to a build result is currently shipped only as ANT tasks.

You can use the Jazz build support to create a build that runs a command line. In this case, you can specify make as the command in your automated build.

The code that can be used to update Jazz build results (i.e. write information about a build into a Jazz repository) is shipped as ANT tasks. Your make file could call out to ANT to invoke the tasks to update the build result with information such as the errors found during compilation.


Is the the build machinery generalized enough to support Makefile builds
rather than ANT ?

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David Ward (8311214) | answered Jul 24 '07, 2:03 p.m.
Interesting ... thank you.

Clearly, I need to do more reading :-)


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