enumeration values Database storage in RTC 4

2 answers

I found information using http://www.google.de/search?q=database+enumeration+site%3Ajazz.net
There is information in the help: https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/topic/com.ibm.team.workitem.doc/topics/t_defining_priorities_severities.html . Please note, you can type terms of interest such as enumeration in the search window on the top left area an then run a search for topics that cover the term.
You can also use the search function of Jazz.net to find related questions e.g. using https://jazz.net/search_results.jsp?q=enumeration+database#page=0&type=&q=enumeration%2Bdatabase and then opening the Forum tab can help you to find information about topics quickly.
Here is another post that is related to this question with valuable information:
My summary is that it allows a better management of the literals. I haven't played with Enumeration List type attributes yet, but I hope that they, in conjunction with the database backed enumeration make multi selection attributes easier to implement and use.
I found information using http://www.google.de/search?q=database+enumeration+site%3Ajazz.net
There is information in the help: https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/topic/com.ibm.team.workitem.doc/topics/t_defining_priorities_severities.html . Please note, you can type terms of interest such as enumeration in the search window on the top left area an then run a search for topics that cover the term.
You can also use the search function of Jazz.net to find related questions e.g. using https://jazz.net/search_results.jsp?q=enumeration+database#page=0&type=&q=enumeration%2Bdatabase and then opening the Forum tab can help you to find information about topics quickly.
Here is another post that is related to this question with valuable information:
My summary is that it allows a better management of the literals. I haven't played with Enumeration List type attributes yet, but I hope that they, in conjunction with the database backed enumeration make multi selection attributes easier to implement and use.