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how to get the IMethod when using diff

Jingwen Ou (5610) | asked Sep 18 '08, 12:44 p.m.
1. when we use the diff tool to compare two Java files, there will be a "box" at the top summarizing the methods that are different from the current ones. Is it possible to get the IMethod objects of these changed methods? I mean how to convert the DiffNode to IMethod (using Differencer.findDifferences will return a DiffNode of two states).

2. IChange.beforeState() and IChange.afterState() both return a IVersionableHandler that identifies a change state. We normally asked the repository for the content of these two states before making a diff. For example,
IWorkspaceManager.versionableManager().fetchCompleteState(IChange.beforeState(), monitor);

But when I use the following to get the before state's IShareable (locally), it still returns a non-null result:

FileSystemCore.getSharingManager().findShareables(FileSystemCore.getSharingManager().getDefaultCFARoot(),IChange.beforeState(), component, monitor);

Does it mean Jazz also persist the before/after state object locally?

Thanks in advance,

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Dmitry Karasik (1.8k11) | answered Sep 18 '08, 12:44 p.m.
But when I use the following to get the before state's IShareable
(locally), it still returns a non-null result:


component, monitor);

Does it mean Jazz also persist the before/after state object locally?

No. findShareables() looks up a shareable by itemId, it ignores the
stateId. So in fact you get back 2 shareables that are exactly the same.

- Dmitry

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