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EndDate in Formal Projects

Christoph Schabert (112) | asked Aug 16 '12, 8:52 a.m.
edited Aug 17 '12, 5:52 a.m.
this is my first question here^^
I'm building a report about the Critical Path, but a key Party is missing.
I can't find the 'current EndDate', 'Pland EndDate' and 'current StartDate', 'Pland EnDate'

Is there a Entry in the Data Warehouse Snapshot?
Is there a Way to get these Data in RRDI?

or is everything dynamic calculated?

Thx for your Answers 

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Aradhya K (1.4k54345) | answered Aug 17 '12, 10:54 a.m.
 Hi Christoph

Sorry to say this but the Dates in the Snapshot is not gathered by the RRDI and pushed into the data ware house.
Do update the requirements on this.

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