RTC : Record dates of when the workflow state changes
I'm using RTC for a workflow based management of activities.
I just wanted to know if we can have a autopopluated field (Read-only) which stores the date when the status of the work item was changed.
Example : My activity moves through the workflow states of New, InProgress , Complete, Closed..I am looking for an Autuopopulated field, which stores the date of when the work item was moved to "InProgress" State.. and another field which stores the date of when the work Item was moved to "Complete" state.
Is this possible, if so how?
If this is not possible, would there be a way where we can extract the data in history for each work item and extract these dates(which are now present in History) externally out of RTC(might be in Excel).
One answer
Thanks Jerad, the first option looks better. I am very new to RTC, so would it be possible for you to show me how to create the Operation Participant?
The following resources should give you all the information you need:
If a work item changes state several times before the next data collection job is run, do all of those states appear in the request history query subject, or only the states at the time the data collection job is run?
Ajeet Kumar
Oct 29 '15, 11:48 p.m.Hi Varun,