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Possibility of changing the "Link Type" Names in CCM PA for 'Links'

I am trying to add multiple references for a Work Item by using the Links. While performing this, Under "Edit Presentation" using Non-attribute based Presentation with the kind "Links", there is a set of values like 'Affected by Defect', ' Affects Plan item', Affects Requirements' and so on. Since I am trying to give a link from CCM Work item to another CCM work item and there are existing links as well, I have opted "Work Items included in packages". But I am not able to edit the name under "Link Types". Is there a way where I can provide the intended link name itself ?
Accepted answer

- As far as I can tell, "Work Items included in packages" is not a work item to work item link type. Have you tried to create the link somehow? I can't. This link type is part of the Enterprise Extension and only available for these versions. A Package is not a work item. See https://jazz.net/sandbox01-clmhelp/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.team.build.doc%2Ftopics%2Ft_deploy_packagedef.html
- As far as I can tell, the link type and link type name is not modifiable in EWM at the moment.
- It is possible to create custom link types with any name you want. These links work only within one server and between work item. I have not done anything with custom link types for a while, so I can't judge if it is a valid option.

The Editor presentation "Links" is the same editor presentation that is shown on the Links Tab. What would be the purpose of having the same presentation somewhere else? What is the purpose of all this? Maybe you are looking for something like this: https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2013/12/17/using-reference-presentations-to-create-links-and-show-linked-work-items-in-rtc/

Thanks for the links. Ralph.

I think I have properly responded, just by restating you want something does not make it possible. And I have not seen any requirement or business need. All requests are pure description of how one want something to behave.
As far as I can tell, I have already answered that I do not think you cna change the displayed link names.