How to create Query in RQM 4.0 (Web)?
Accepted answer
Hi Cesar, got it. The "Filter by Saved Querys" is used for table filter query. e.g. when user is browsing test cases in the test case list view, below the test case table head, there will be a "down arrow", after clicking this icon, the filter condition row will display which shows what columns that user can input data to filter the list. and there is a ""Save" button in the filter condition row, this action will permit user to save the filter conditions for future use. you can have a try for this function. Hope this can help
4 other answers
Hi Zhou Xing
When you click on "Browse___"(it can be test case, test plan, etc). You have at the left a tools bar that let you " Filter by category" or " Filter by Saved Querys".
I want to create querys to put there in the "Filter by saved querys" becauser right now it is empty
When you click on "Browse___"(it can be test case, test plan, etc). You have at the left a tools bar that let you " Filter by category" or " Filter by Saved Querys".
I want to create querys to put there in the "Filter by saved querys" becauser right now it is empty