How do I create an eclipse update site for RTC p2 plugin?

3 answers

Another suggestion would be to use the RTC zip client or if using another Eclipse distribution that can be zipped (not an IBM Installation Manager deploy), to install RTC using P2. You can put the result on a server/shared drive as zip or as folder and users can just unzip/copy it to the local machine.

What I'm trying to do is to create an update site like
It seems the answer is to create a composite repository
The goal is that users (4000) users can just use "check for updates" on eclipse to get the latest p2 plugin
1 vote

you put the files in a folder on some http or file server.., then reference that folder.
so I created a new folder on my web server,
it contains the feature, plugins folders from my plugin, and the site.xml
then I made a new update site, Add, archive and pasted in the web server URL..
I also have one of these on my machine for testing.. its url is file://drive:/path/ (on windows)
so I created a new folder on my web server,
it contains the feature, plugins folders from my plugin, and the site.xml
then I made a new update site, Add, archive and pasted in the web server URL..
I also have one of these on my machine for testing.. its url is file://drive:/path/ (on windows)