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RTC: Is it possible to display work items from another project area in different server in a plan or dashboard?

Isabel Torres (631238) | asked Aug 19 '15, 10:16 a.m.
RTC 5.0.2

I have created a "Cross-project" plan, using the "tree" view with "Contributes to - Tracks" link type (I have also tried "Tracks - Contributes to" ), and have added work items with "Tracks" links to workitems on  another project area residing on a different server.

The "Cross-project" plan keeps on "Loading" and it never shows the workitems from the different server.

I have also tried the "work items" widget on a dashboard, it doesn't allow me to select a project area from a different server, it only shows the project areas that are on the same server.

Also, I tried the "work items" widget with a query on my own project area, getting worktiems with "Tracks" links to workitems on a different server, selecting the checkbox for "Show Collaborative ALM links", it is not showing any link.

Can you please help me to understand what are the limits / capabilities in RTC for tracking items in different servers?

Thank you!!

Isabel Torres

Accepted answer

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Aug 19 '15, 6:52 p.m.
For the loading issue, there are known performance problems with displaying cross-repository plans ... I'm guessing you've run into one of those.   But this should work, so if you can reproduce, it would be best to submit as a defect.

For the other issues, those sound like known limitations ... you'd need to submit an enhancement request to get those behaviors changed.

Isabel Torres selected this answer as the correct answer

Isabel Torres commented Aug 19 '15, 7:41 p.m.

hi Geoffrey, thank your answering to my question.

Do you have a link where I can find more information about this topic? I would like to confirm what are the capabilities as well as the limitations.

Also, i would like to hear suggestions for tracking work items from several jazz repositories on a single plan or single dashboard.


Don Yang commented Aug 19 '15, 8:13 p.m.

This page provides the details on what can be done across multiple servers:

Isabel Torres commented Aug 19 '15, 11:33 p.m.

Thank you very much Don Yang!!!

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