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When will RRC support REST APIs?

Terry Krause (101138) | asked Jul 30 '12, 11:59 a.m.
Does RRC support the REST APIs that are supported by RTC and RQM?  If it does not currently support them, when is RRC scheduled to support them?

2 answers

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Jared Russell (1.3k12019) | answered Jul 30 '12, 12:19 p.m.
edited Jul 30 '12, 12:22 p.m.
 RRC 3.x+ supports the OSLC RM v2 specification - see the OSLC workshop for examples of what you can do with the API.

Terry Krause commented Jul 30 '12, 5:35 p.m.

Our current tooling set uses the Java plain client libraries. To use OSLC would be a major shift in the implementation and isn't an acceptable alternative if, in the future, RRC will support the same set of REST APIs provided by RTC and RQM. I'm trying to find out if/when the REST APIs that are used by the Java plain client libraries will be supported on RRC.

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Jared Pulham (32113) | answered Aug 03 '12, 12:00 p.m.
Our current development focus has been on the OSLC integration for RRC (and CLM) but as you say it doesn't accommodate for your use of Java client libraries. We do recognize the need to address this in a future release but we don't have plans in the next six to twelve months. We'll continue to track the customer demand to help guide the pressure for delivery.

Jared Pulham
Product Manager, RM Tools CLM

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