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Query ChangeSets of specific ProjectArea / TeamArea

IChangeSetSearchCriteria criteria = IChangeSetSearchCriteria.FACTORY.newInstance();
criteria.setModifiedAfter(new Timestamp(from.getTime()));
List<IChangeSetHandle> changeSets = SCMPlatform.getWorkspaceManager(
IWorkspaceManager.MAX_QUERY_SIZE, monitor);
// Available Parameters in this Method are IContributorHandle member, ITeamRepository repo, Date from,
// Date to, IProjectArea area (the ProjectArea the ChangeSets should belong to)
One answer


Hey John, thank you for your answer!
The report-creation is not time-critical. So it would be a possibility to search all streams and restrict the ChangeSet query to these Streams (<= is that possible? What Type is a Stream of? Does it implement IContextHandle or IComponentHandle?) How can I retrieve all Streams of a ProjectArea? Is there a Method of the ProjectArea-Object itself? Or do I have to use some kind of Query-Mechanism of any other Component?
...and sorry for that Question, but what is an 'RFE' ? :-)