Advanced Burn down Chart
Accepted answer
3 other answers
I'm not absolutly sure what you mean. But if you want to have the file of it, you may find it on your server in a jar file named (for v.3.0.3):
Normaly it's somewhere below /teamserver/server/conf
In my env its on C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer_3013\server\conf\ccm\sites\rtc-commons-update-site\plugins
Guido, thanks for your response! This is a report developed by IBM that was not originally shipped with Rational Team Concert, so I am looking for its location on Developerworks. I do not believe it has been included in an official release yet
You can also run it out of CCM Reports Menu. Or do you have another report in your mind?
Richard, are you thinking of the SAFe reports possibly?