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Installation of RTC 4.0 on Linux using IBM Installation Manager fails

Anthony Krowiak (11111612) | asked Jun 26 '12, 3:31 p.m.
I downloaded the RTC 4.0 for Linux x86-32/64 to my laptop on which I am running Open Client for Linux Red Hat 64.  After extracting the zip file, I tried executing and got the error "The Installation Manager's registry information is inconsistent with its installation information."  The details view indicates that the registry information at /etc/ibm/registry/InstallationManager.dat indicates that the Installation Manager is not installed.  The /etc/ibm/registry directory does not exist on my system.  The details further indicate that is installed at /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse, which it in fact is. 

The above occurs when I run as the root user.  If I run it as a non-root user, I get an error indicating I don't have authority to run InstallationManager in administrator mode and need to do so as root. 

I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure out why I can't install RTC.  HELP!!

3 answers

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Karl Weinert (2.0k52736) | answered Jun 26 '12, 5:06 p.m.
Using the zip sounds like the easiest solution but if you want to troubleshoot here's where I would start.

It sounds like you have conflicting versions of installation manager installed. Or the one that is installed isn't working properly. Maybe it is an old version and the current version does not know how to upgrade it.
 Do you know how /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse got there?  Unless you had run the launchpad previously IM would have had to been installed by some other means. Can you start IM from there rather than launchpad?
If so what version is it?  If it is 1.5.2 you can try installing directly from there rather than launchpad.

You will need to add the repository url manually. The URL can be found inside the install-server.xml file located in the .../im/<operating-system> directory where you extracted the zip file. (if you do use this method be sure to choose to check the box for the licenses along with RTC during the install)

InstallationManager.dat is in /etc/.ibm/registry/InstallationManager.dat (note the dot for the .ibm directory)
That file should also contain the version information if it exists.

Some other  information is installed into /var/IBM/InstallationManager including the uninstall.
You can try uninstalling that version but you will need to have all applications uninstalled first.
You can read how here:
Uninstalling Installation Manager on Linux  It is a ClearCase doc but it does the trick.
The basics are
Set the XDG_DATA_HOME environment variable to a directory that can be used to write per-machine data:
 setenv XDG_DATA_HOME /var/tmp

Change directories to the uninstall directory for Installation Manager.
By default, directory location is:

run ./uninstall

Anthony Krowiak commented Jun 28 '12, 9:14 a.m. | edited Jun 28 '12, 9:54 a.m.

Thanks Karl, I uninstalled the version 1.4.1 of Installation Manager and was then able to install from the launchpad. 

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Evan Hughes (2.4k1318) | answered Jun 26 '12, 4:14 p.m.
You can avoid using the installation manager and grab the zip file instead.

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praveen patidar (8623544) | answered Jul 14 '14, 3:02 a.m.
I am getting the same error but cant uninstall because the software are installed with that. I am not sure what I am doing.

I tries to upgrade the IM from to 1.7 and this happens. I tried with reinstall option as well and got the error below.

  ERROR:   The registry information at "/etc/.ibm/registry/InstallationManager.dat" indicates that Installation Manager (internal version: 1.6.3001.20130528_1750) is installed at location "/opt/app/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse" and is using "/var/ibm/InstallationManager" for its data location. However, the information at the data location indicates that the Installation Manager is not installed.

00:00.49 ERROR [main] run
  The Installation Manager's registry information is inconsistent with its installation information.
    The registry information at "/etc/.ibm/registry/InstallationManager.dat" indicates that Installation Manager (internal version: 1.6.3001.20130528_1750) is installed at location "/opt/app/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse" and is using "/var/ibm/InstallationManager" for its data location. However, the information at the data location indicates that the Installation Manager is not installed.

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