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How to maintain DB2 for RTC helthy.

ryosuke oka (17994648) | asked Jun 15 '12, 4:42 a.m.
We are planning to have regular maintenance on DB2 (for RTC) but not sure how and what is recommended way to do.

To maintain DB2, we could assume to use reorg command.
However we are not sure when and where to used reorg command

Q1. How ofen we should use reorg? and what tables or indexes we should do?                                  
Q2. Is there any precaution to do Q1?

We could not find any useful documents for this area.

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Guy Slade (64158) | answered Jun 15 '12, 7:32 a.m.
I'm don't think this is a question that can be answered with any degree of accuracy. Database tables should be reorganized when they need to be reorganized. When they need to be reorganized depends on how often they are used, the way they are used, and the parameters used when creating the tabIespaces. I am not a DB2 admin but have played in the role in a past life so I know there is various tooling that a DB2 Admin has at their disposal for monitoring the health of the database. This tooling will indicate when a tablespace needs to be reorganized. When performing a reorg you would need to bring the jazz server offline.
You won't find any documentation concerning tablespace reorgs in the RTC documentation. This sort of information is going to be in DB2 documentation

ryosuke oka commented Jun 27 '12, 3:17 a.m.

Thank you, Guy. I understand this is more DB2 site.

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