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Migration from RTC to RTC 2.0 Beta

Adil Chahid (45524118) | asked Mar 19 '09, 10:59 a.m.
Hi all,
we were wondering if someone did experiment with the data migration process from RTC to RTC 2.0 Beta?
Will this process use the repotool ?
Was it tested on a Database bigger than 15 Gigs, if so how much time did it take?
We thank you in advance for your answers.

12 answers

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Steven Jin (10697) | answered Mar 19 '09, 4:01 p.m.

I am checking this with dev as well.

Stay tune for our updates.


Jazz/RTC Support

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Adrian Cho (82113322) | answered Mar 19 '09, 6:34 p.m.
Hi all,
we were wondering if someone did experiment with the data migration process from RTC to RTC 2.0 Beta?
Will this process use the repotool ?
Was it tested on a Database bigger than 15 Gigs, if so how much time did it take?
We thank you in advance for your answers.

Due to the scheduling of releases, I don't believe that exact configuration was tested. The last thing that would have been tested was 1.0.1 to 2.0 M2. However there were no schema changes between 1.0.1 and nor between 2.0 M2, M2a or Beta 1 so there is no reason why this should not work. We always test these migrations with our development repository which is about 30 GBs.

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Steven Jin (10697) | answered Mar 20 '09, 10:33 a.m.
Any documenation on migration (things need to be aware0?

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Adrian Cho (82113322) | answered Mar 20 '09, 11:02 a.m.
Any documenation on migration (things need to be aware0?

There's nothing new about migration that people need to be aware of.

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Adrian Cho (82113322) | answered Mar 20 '09, 2:20 p.m.
Yes you use the repotool. It typically takes us about 15 hours to migrate our 30 GB database. Obviously this is something best done on a weekend if the repository is large. We are currently testing various migration scenarios so that we can provide some guidelines for expected migration times.

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Cuiping Peng (11) | answered Mar 21 '09, 9:36 a.m.
Hi acho,
Recently when we use repotool to import a 18G "*.tar" file exported from RTC 1.0 DB into RTC_2.0_M3D1_(I20090311-2000) DB,the migration completes with errors.
The "Migration Error" report is as follows:
CRJAZ0656I **ERROR** Migration completed with errors. The imported database is in an inconsistent state and should not be used without further analysis......

There is such information on the executing "repotool import" command console:
Required property must not be null: contextId. See log for details.
CRJAZ0588I itemId= stateId=null
typeName=ReportQueryDescriptor.Validation errors for item: type = ReportQueryDescriptor, itemId =
Imported 1181226 items, 2323304 item states in 52930437 ms. 26851 item states skipped. Error importing 3030 elements.

So I doubt that many records can't imported successfully because of tables' instructure change.

Then I still continue to deploy RTC with this imported RTC DB, I find that the RTC server can work but some datas seem to disappear because I can't find the iteration plans data.

Could you please tell me if the RTC 1.0 data can import RTC 2.0 successfully?
We want a large RTC 2.0 DB to execute RCM reliability test, could you give me some suggestions?
Thank you!

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Adrian Cho (82113322) | answered Mar 23 '09, 7:49 p.m.
Hi acho,
Recently when we use repotool to import a 18G "*.tar" file exported from RTC 1.0 DB into RTC_2.0_M3D1_(I20090311-2000) DB,the migration completes with errors.

The build you were trying to use was the integration build from week 2 of our current milestone. We've had a lot of model changes going in since M2 and there have been issues with migration and in fact we are still sorting some of them out. For example, you'll see in our track build item from last week that while our build was successful, we're still working out some migration issues. I believe that issue you saw has already been fixed but I'll make sure. I suggest however that you test this with M3D1 which we are producing this week). In general, especially when there is a lot of development going on, integration builds are more likely to have issues. Mid-milestone builds such as M3D1 are more stable and milestone builds such as M3 or betas such as Beta 1 are intended to be even more stable.

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Adrian Cho (82113322) | answered Mar 23 '09, 8:26 p.m.
Alternatively you can of course just try migrating with Beta 1 which was based on M2(a) and made available before all the model changes that went into our current iteration.

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Cuiping Peng (11) | answered Mar 24 '09, 6:03 a.m.
Thank acho!
If you make sure wich RTC spin after M3D1 don't have migration problem, could you please tell me? Because we need use the M3D1 or post-M3D1 spin in our testing.

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Balaji Krish (1.8k12) | answered Mar 25 '09, 5:00 p.m.
Note that 1.0/ to M3D1 is not a supported migration path.

We only support
1.0 to M1
1.0 to M2 / M2a / beta1
1.0 to M3.

If you wish to migration from 1.0 to M3D1, you need to first move to M2 (using 1.0 to M2) and then move from M2 to M3D1.

--- Balaji

Thank acho!
If you make sure wich RTC spin after M3D1 don't have migration problem, could you please tell me? Because we need use the M3D1 or post-M3D1 spin in our testing.

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