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How do I create a report that lists the RTC projects and the workers (contributors) for each project?

Ken Murphy (1033436) | asked Jun 08 '12, 10:53 a.m.

Tim McMackin's articles have been invaluable for getting us started using BIRT reports and showing how to do many of the things that one would commonly want to do with reports and RTC.  That said, I have been struggling with how to create a report that shows all of the RTC projects and, under each project, shows a list of the workers (contributors) assigned to that project.  The Live_Contributor_Assignment table seems to have the information that I need, but the only way to access information seems to be via the Contributor_ITEMID parameter.  But, I need to get at the information from the project angle.  Am I missing something?  Has someone else been able to accomplish this?

3 answers

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Peter Haumer (2.2k12019) | answered Jun 11 '12, 12:41 p.m.
You should try out using RRDI, which makes creating such reports a matter of seconds. Check out these new enablement videos that we just posted:


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ankur sharma (66212228) | answered Jun 14 '12, 4:17 a.m.

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Ken Murphy (1033436) | answered Jun 18 '12, 1:38 p.m.
Thanks, RRDI may be a consideration for us once we upgrade to CLM 2012 later this summer, but for now that solution is of no help.

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