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BIRT report localization not working in RTC

Hamid Ouaggag (114) | asked Oct 21 '19, 10:58 a.m.

I created a custom BIRT report (using Eclipse BIRT Designer 4.2.2) for an RTC project area (RTC 6.0.4). I created two properties files to manage the report localization (for english and french, say and respectively) in the same folder as the rptdesign file and tested the report successfully in the Web Viewer of the BIRT Designer for both languages.
Then I created the report resource (with the two properties files attached) and loaded it to the RTC server (from the RTC rich client). When I access the RTC project area from the web browser and run the report it gets rendered with the text values from file. I added the '&__locale=fr_CA' parameter to the report URL and ran it again but it still got rendered with the text values from instead of Unfortunately there is no existing report example with localization that I can check for a solution to my problem.

I searched for a solution to this problem in the jazz forum and in the internet at large and could not find any hint or solution. Many people faced similar problems but the suggested solutions assume access to the server and making changes to its configuration (such as resource path) or other backdoor solutions. Our RTC server is a shared production environment that hosts hundreds of RTC project areas, and we could only manage our resources through the RTC rich client (or web client).

I assume the attached properties files were loaded to the server since the report gets rendered with the english text in the file (which is different than the text that I hard coded in the report design itself). I don't understand why the localization does not work for __locale=fr_CA though.

Does anyone have a clue to what I might have been missing here and how I can get it fixed?

Thank you very much in advance

2 answers

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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Oct 21 '19, 2:01 p.m.

 Hi Hamid, please contact IBM support so we can collect more info or check the issue in a screen sharing session.

Hamid Ouaggag commented Oct 22 '19, 9:40 a.m.

Thank you Rafik. I opened ICD ticket # IN51287.

Hamid Ouaggag commented Oct 22 '19, 11:56 a.m.
The ticket was rejected. Following is the justification...

Summary Request is out of scope. Ticket rejected
Ticket Update
Hi Hamid.
I checked with Gain Team, and they told me we do not do customizations of any kind on RTC.
This request is considered out of scope.
Following that, I'm rejecting this ticket.

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Hamid Ouaggag (114) | answered Nov 05 '19, 4:47 p.m.
I figured it out!
For the benefit of all readers I realized that the '&__locale=fr_CA' parameter in the RTC URL has no effect. To test other locales one should change the environment's locale (i.e. browser's preferred language, or even the workstation's language). I tried with the browser's locale and it worked :)

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