Is there a way to report failed test cases as no status?
One answer
I am wondering why you would require to do it?
It is not possible using RQM but there is a back door entry. You can trick using REST API for testsuitelog.
Essentially you can GET the xml ..using REST API and then modify it to remove all failed step from it and set state to passed and upload it back (PUT) on same url. You can do this using poster in Firefox. See for RQM REST API.
-|- Pramod
It is not possible using RQM but there is a back door entry. You can trick using REST API for testsuitelog.
Essentially you can GET the xml ..using REST API and then modify it to remove all failed step from it and set state to passed and upload it back (PUT) on same url. You can do this using poster in Firefox. See for RQM REST API.
-|- Pramod