Do the JavaScript scripts used in attribute customization need to exist in the originating project area when linking?
We have project area A and project area B. In project area B, we have several JavaScript scripts that are used for work item customization (setting value sets, validators, etc.). When we start with some work item in project area A and try to link to a new work item in project area B and we start to create the new work item, we get an error indicating that the JavaScript script cannot be found. From project area B, the attachment path for the scripts is /workitem/scripts/common/. Do these scripts somehow need to also be added to project area A?
Ann Griffiths
Jun 06 '12, 11:02 a.m.This only happens when using the RTC web client. When using the RTC Eclipse client, it works fine. I added the JavaScript scripts from project area B to project area A (using the Attachments section of the Links tab) and now things work as expected. I'd like to know, though, is this the correct process?