How to query a HTTP Filtered Value Set?
I have created an enumeration list from a HTTP Filtered Value Set and I am displaying my project name in the workitem presentation. Everything is fine. I added the project attribute as "Value Picker"
But when I want to create query which will filter my workitems accoring to the selected value in the "projects" field, I get "Use the Full Text attribute if you would like to query this attribute's contents" in the query editor page.
I saw the post on and added the required XML code to my process template.
My attribute id is "project" and its kind is "" so I changed the XML given in the url but didnt worked. Still getting the same error.
It should be possible to query workitems accorind to an HTTP Filtered Value set but couldn't do it. is there any one who succeded?
I have created an enumeration list from a HTTP Filtered Value Set and I am displaying my project name in the workitem presentation. Everything is fine. I added the project attribute as "Value Picker"
But when I want to create query which will filter my workitems accoring to the selected value in the "projects" field, I get "Use the Full Text attribute if you would like to query this attribute's contents" in the query editor page.
I saw the post on and added the required XML code to my process template.
My attribute id is "project" and its kind is "" so I changed the XML given in the url but didnt worked. Still getting the same error.
It should be possible to query workitems accorind to an HTTP Filtered Value set but couldn't do it. is there any one who succeded?
Accepted answer
The value set picker capability in the query editor is only applicable for small and medium strings. Are you sure the attribute you created is not a large string type?
RTC - Tracking and Planning
The value set picker capability in the query editor is only applicable for small and medium strings. Are you sure the attribute you created is not a large string type?
RTC - Tracking and Planning
I have created an enumeration list from a HTTP Filtered Value Set and I am displaying my project name in the workitem presentation. Everything is fine. I added the project attribute as "Value Picker"
But when I want to create query which will filter my workitems accoring to the selected value in the "projects" field, I get "Use the Full Text attribute if you would like to query this attribute's contents" in the query editor page.
I saw the post on and added the required XML code to my process tempalte.
In my workitem presentation my attribute is shown like that
<presentation attributeId="projects" kind="kind=""/
2 other answers
hello again,
I try to create an attribute which will hold RRC's project area's name. I use HTTP filtered Values to acheive this.
I used https://server:port/rm/discovery/RMCatalogue link which returns the list of all RRC projects in xml format. I believed there would be no problem reading those xml datasource value by Xpath but could succeded. I always get "Peer Authencation failed" error when I use Basic Authentication. I cant use Form Based Authentication as I dont know requested parameters.
Is it possible to do such operation?