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Dashboard Bookmark viewlet only supports http prefix

Maren Nelson (611611) | asked Aug 11 '08, 9:40 p.m.
I would like to use the "Bookmark" viewlet in a dashboard to reference a Lotus Notes link. However, this viewlet forces a pre-pend of "http" if it doesn't see one (which a Notes URL wouldn't have).

I have used the "HTML" viewlet as an alternative to having Notes links, but it is a bigger hassle.

Any plans to remove this http restriction for the Bookmark viewlet?

One answer

permanent link
Adam Archer (83639) | answered Aug 14 '08, 5:51 p.m.
Very good point. I opened a work item to track this issue.

I would like to use the "Bookmark" viewlet in a dashboard to reference a Lotus Notes link. However, this viewlet forces a pre-pend of "http" if it doesn't see one (which a Notes URL wouldn't have).

I have used the "HTML" viewlet as an alternative to having Notes links, but it is a bigger hassle.

Any plans to remove this http restriction for the Bookmark viewlet?

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