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Friends (Outbound) setup

Swat Oon Kwee (611125) | asked May 22 '12, 5:16 a.m.
While setting up Focal Point outbound friend relationship in jts/admin, I get the error: An error occurred while requesting the root services document from server"http://localhost:8080/fp/resources/rootservices". Please check the URL and try again. ID CRJAZ1575E

HTTP Status 401 -
type Status report
description This request requires HTTP authentication ().

Appreciate your advice how to correct this error. Urgently hoping to fix this problem.


3 answers

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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered May 22 '12, 1:38 p.m.

You have specified the HTTP protocol and port, but should specify HTTPS.

For example:


While setting up Focal Point outbound friend relationship in jts/admin, I get the error: An error occurred while requesting the root services document from server"http://localhost:8080/fp/resources/rootservices". Please check the URL and try again. ID CRJAZ1575E

HTTP Status 401 -
type Status report
description This request requires HTTP authentication ().

Appreciate your advice how to correct this error. Urgently hoping to fix this problem.


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Swat Oon Kwee (611125) | answered May 22 '12, 2:17 p.m.

Does it not work with HTTP? I had specified HTTP because my focal point instance is running on HTTP and not HTTPS.


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Naseem Haq (1) | answered May 01 '13, 6:19 a.m.

Was this problem resolved? I am facing the same issue when creating friend to RAM from CCM/admin

RAM is also using HTTP not HTTPS.

Thank you for your time and answer.

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