Finding a baseline
One of my developers documented a baseline in a reference doc. We did a show baselines at the stream/component level and kept paging down until we came to the baseline number we were looking for but we don't see it. My thinking was that a developer created a baseline but never delivered it to the stream. The question is if there is a search to locate a particular baseline?
2 answers
There is a simple baseline search provided by the Web UI. Also, when you are displaying baseline history in the Eclipse UI, you can click on the "show all in repository" icon (in the upper right of the history pane), which should then show you the baseline you were looking for.
I've also submitted work item 212447, requesting support for baseline search in the Eclipse UI. Feel free to add a comment to that work item to indicate your interest/support.
I've also submitted work item 212447, requesting support for baseline search in the Eclipse UI. Feel free to add a comment to that work item to indicate your interest/support.
One of my developers documented a baseline in a reference doc. We did a show baselines at the stream/component level and kept paging down until we came to the baseline number we were looking for but we don't see it. My thinking was that a developer created a baseline but never delivered it to the stream. The question is if there is a search to locate a particular baseline?
For many release now, there has been the ability to search for baselines in the Web UI.
As of RTC 6.0.3, the Eclipse (and Visual Studio) supports searching for baselines (this was added in [Eclipse] Allow searching for baselines (212447)).
In both places you can search/filter by:
-baseline name or pattern
-baseline creator
-created after date
-created before date
In RTC 7.0 the ability to filter baselines by custom attributes was added in Eclipse and Visual Studio.