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How To Make Category Validation Policy Work?

Dan Duce (2534745) | asked May 15 '12, 8:55 a.m.

I have tried many variations and still can't get this policy to work in RAM 7.5.1.

I have a schema called "Geographic Breakdown". One branch of it has the structure "Geography/EMEA/IMT One"

I configured the category validation policy at the entrance to the Review state. I put the configuration to show "Geographic Breakdown/Geography/EMEA" without the quotation marks.

I set a condition for the transition to say that the policy must not be an error to allow the transition.

I categorized the asset to "Geographic Breakdown/Geography/EMEA/IMT One", again with no quotation marks.

When I tried to approve the asset it came back with an error saying that the policy had not been met. I tried removing the "IMT One" part and it still failed.

I can send screenshots, if it would help.

No variations I've tried result in the policy passing.

Any idea why?


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Dan Duce (2534745) | answered Jun 14 '12, 1:07 p.m.
It looks like the upgrade to version fixed this problem as well.  The Category Validation policy is now working for us.

It may be that just recycling the system unstuck something.  Either way, it's working as expected now.

Rich Kulp selected this answer as the correct answer

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Sheehan Anderson (1.2k4) | answered May 17 '12, 5:53 p.m.
Here are the results I see in 7.5.1

Asset categorized as Geography/EMEA/IMT One

Categorization policy configuration
Geographic Breakdown/Geography/EMEA/IMT One : Passed
Geographic Breakdown/Geography/EMEA : Passed
Geographic Breakdown/Geography/EMEA/ : Failed

Make sure you do not have a '/' at the end category path.

Dan Duce commented May 18 '12, 5:56 a.m. | edited Jun 14 '12, 2:16 p.m.
Here are the results I see in 7.5.1

Asset categorized as Geography/EMEA/IMT One

Categorization policy configuration
Geographic Breakdown/Geography/EMEA/IMT One : Passed
Geographic Breakdown/Geography/EMEA : Passed
Geographic Breakdown/Geography/EMEA/ : Failed

Make sure you do not have a '/' at the end category path.

Hi Sheehan,

Yeah, I've triple checked this..there are no slashes at the end of the categorization. I get an error message saying:
Asset missing categorization 'Geographic Breakdown/Geography/EMEA'.

Yet I have that in there. I can send screenshots to show you if you tell me where to put them.

From the edit screen, here is the hierarchy of the categorization:

Geographic Breakdown
* Geography
+ Alps IMT

The policy is set in the Review state.
For the Approve -> Approved transition I have:
Policy:Default Policies > Category Validation Policy is not Error

It looks like that should work, but it doesn't, and I have Community Admins reporting the same problem.

It's very mysterious.

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Dan Duce (2534745) | answered Jun 14 '12, 2:56 p.m.
We updated to RAM and the problem went away.   Maybe recycling the environment cleared something or maybe one of the bug fixes in the upgrade did it.  Either way, it works now.


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