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History of files within Workspace

Eric Benzacar (411012) | asked May 11 '12, 12:04 p.m.

I've been using RTC for a few months and one thing that I cannot seem to figure out is if/how to get history for files that are within my personal workspace.

I see my Repository Workspace as my personal stream for a particular stream. Any changes/modifications/etc that I check-in are local to my repo only (ie: my individual stream). Consequently, I would expect to be able to see the history for those files and be able to roll-back changes.

I know I can use my "local history" within my eclipse editor to accomplish that, but it doesn't provide any safety in case my PC crashes, or more importantly, if I want to work off two independent PCs (ex: desktop and laptop) using the same workspace.

Is this something that can be configured, or did RTC just miss the boat with this one?



3 answers

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered May 11 '12, 5:19 p.m.
Select a file in the package explorer view, or in an editor opened on a file, select the Team->Show_History operation.



I've been using RTC for a few months and one thing that I cannot seem to figure out is if/how to get history for files that are within my personal workspace.

I see my Repository Workspace as my personal stream for a particular stream. Any changes/modifications/etc that I check-in are local to my repo only (ie: my individual stream). Consequently, I would expect to be able to see the history for those files and be able to roll-back changes.

I know I can use my "local history" within my eclipse editor to accomplish that, but it doesn't provide any safety in case my PC crashes, or more importantly, if I want to work off two independent PCs (ex: desktop and laptop) using the same workspace.

Is this something that can be configured, or did RTC just miss the boat with this one?



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Eric Benzacar (411012) | answered May 11 '12, 5:22 p.m.
Select a file in the package explorer view, or in an editor opened on a file, select the Team->Show_History operation.

This only gives me the history at the stream level, but not at my workspace level. Ex: if I make changes to my file, check-in, make changes again, check in again, make changes a third time and check-in a third time, I would like to be able to see those 3 different versions. Note that I am not making any delivers to the stream at this point - only checking in to my workspace.

However, the history will only show me the history of the file at the stream level and I cannot see those 3 versions that I checked in, but did not deliver to the stream.



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Anbarasu Arivoli (811828) | answered Jan 20 '14, 1:50 a.m.

Hi Eric,

Have you got answer to your above question?

Even I want to track the history of my checked in changes before delivered.



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