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How to pass Properties as arguments to command line build

Karthik Krishnan (8898121163) | asked Feb 06 '12, 11:16 a.m.
hello all,

I have a command line Jazz Engine build in which I am calling a batch file. I need the parameters for batch file from the build properties.

I have 3 properties and how can I pass them as Parameter to the batch file?


2 answers

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Makson Lee (41044241) | answered Feb 06 '12, 8:27 p.m.
hello all,

I have a command line Jazz Engine build in which I am calling a batch file. I need the parameters for batch file from the build properties.

I have 3 properties and how can I pass them as Parameter to the batch file?


Let's say you have one property named p1, you can reference it as ${p1} from arguments field in your build definition.


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Karthik Krishnan (8898121163) | answered Feb 07 '12, 3:51 a.m.

Let's say you have one property named p1, you can reference it as ${p1} from arguments field in your build definition.


Thanks. This worked!

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