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JBE build engine command line syntax

David Dulling (13731212) | asked May 11 '12, 3:11 a.m.
Hi, all

I've tried looking for this everywhere but so far have drawn a blank. Does anyone know where I can get a full list of the jbe command line syntax, parameters and meanings please?

I know that if I had the build engine installed I could simply execute jbe and everything would be displayed but I don't (and I can't).

I'm looking at a command line that somebody else has created and it has 2 parameters ("-participants" and "noComplete") which I particularly need to understand



3 answers

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Eric Benzacar (411012) | answered May 11 '12, 12:25 p.m.
Hi, all
I've tried looking for this everywhere but so far have drawn a blank. Does anyone know where I can get a full list of the jbe command line syntax, parameters and meanings please?

Example usage: jbe -repository https://repository:9443/jazz -userId buildUser -pass myPassword123

Required arguments:
-repository <repository> (address of a Jazz repository)
One of the following:
1. -userId <user> (user id of a user defined in the Jazz repository) AND (-pass <user> or -passwordFile <password>)
2. -certificateFile <certificate> (the file containing the user's login certificate) AND (-pass <user> or -passwordFile <password>)
3. -smartCard (tells JBE to use the connected smart card for authentication) AND -userId <user>

Optional arguments:
-engineId <engine> (engine id of a build engine defined in the Jazz repository, default is "default")
-repositories <repositories> (path to file containing info about one or more repositories and their credentials)
-passwordFile <password> (path to a file created with -createPasswordFile)
-sleepTime <seconds> (sleep interval for build request polling, default is 30 seconds)
-verbose (for detailed logging of build engine activity)

For additional information about the Jazz Build Engine and its arguments (e.g. -createPasswordFile) please see the readme.txt located in the "buildsystem" directory.

CRRTC3529I: Completed JBE execution, RC=1.



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David Dulling (13731212) | answered May 11 '12, 5:57 p.m.
Hi, Eric

Thanks very much for tasking the time to put this information up here



Hi, all
I've tried looking for this everywhere but so far have drawn a blank. Does anyone know where I can get a full list of the jbe command line syntax, parameters and meanings please?

Example usage: jbe -repository https://repository:9443/jazz -userId buildUser -pass myPassword123

Required arguments:
-repository <repository> (address of a Jazz repository)
One of the following:
1. -userId <user> (user id of a user defined in the Jazz repository) AND (-pass <user> or -passwordFile <password>)
2. -certificateFile <certificate> (the file containing the user's login certificate) AND (-pass <user> or -passwordFile <password>)
3. -smartCard (tells JBE to use the connected smart card for authentication) AND -userId <user>

Optional arguments:
-engineId <engine> (engine id of a build engine defined in the Jazz repository, default is "default")
-repositories <repositories> (path to file containing info about one or more repositories and their credentials)
-passwordFile <password> (path to a file created with -createPasswordFile)
-sleepTime <seconds> (sleep interval for build request polling, default is 30 seconds)
-verbose (for detailed logging of build engine activity)

For additional information about the Jazz Build Engine and its arguments (e.g. -createPasswordFile) please see the readme.txt located in the "buildsystem" directory.

CRRTC3529I: Completed JBE execution, RC=1.



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David Dulling (13731212) | answered May 21 '12, 3:48 a.m.
Just in case anyone else needs this information, I found the information I needed about the "-participants" option in the following very useful article

I still have been unable to find out what the "noComplete" option does though

It seems strange that the jbe help does not list these 2 options at all it seems


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