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change set activity widget not showing streams

Sofus Albertsen (471014) | asked Apr 27 '12, 10:08 a.m.
We are having difficulties setting up the change set activity widget on the teams dashboard.
When i select the query button and the settings pane shows up, no Team Areas are shown to choose from, and therefore no Stream+component.
If i try to click Preview, i get the following error message: Missing Required Parameter: Stream.
I am working on a development topologi, with Tomcat as application server.
Also, running RTC v. on Linux 32 bit.
All diagnostiscs are fine in both the ccm and jts.
What could be the problem and what is there to do about it?
Thanks in advance.
Sofus Albertsen

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Morten Madsen (13277) | answered May 08 '12, 5:26 a.m.
I've just tried to recreate this error on a lokal RTC install (3.0.1) and I can't get the "Change Set Activity" widget to work no matter what I do. Pretty strange...

I will post here, if I find a solution for this

IBM Rational Denmark

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Mike Pawlowski (6861) | answered May 08 '12, 3:59 p.m.
Additional configuration needs to be done beforehand in order for data to be collected from source control streams during a data warehouse snapshot.

Do the following:

* Open the normal-sized parent version of the report: Project Activity report.
* Click on the link at the bottom of the report
* In the resulting Reports configuration page, select the source control streams you would like to report on

See the following work item for further details:
210798: Change set activity widget not showing any streams nor teams.

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