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Birt report - to fetch Project's members and process roles

VK L (8177157159) | asked Apr 17 '12, 10:54 p.m.
Hi All,
I need to fetch Project's members and process roles using Birt or insight report. Could you please help as to which table and snapshot contains this info?


2 answers

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Pavithra Kasturirangan (42956056) | answered Apr 25 '12, 5:04 a.m.
Hi All,
I need to fetch Project's members and process roles using Birt or insight report. Could you please help as to which table and snapshot contains this info?


If you are using RTC3x version, then you may simply right click on the project and select Generate Runtime report. This will export the members data into a zip file. You will find a file for every team with the list of roles and the members.

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Vinay Kumar AV (17933837) | answered Apr 25 '13, 9:18 p.m.

Can this be done through a BIRT/RI report? That would greatly help.


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