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Burndown Report - No team areas and iterations

Craig Raffel (7157) | asked Apr 04 '12, 6:14 p.m.
I am using the OpenUP process template. When I try to edit the parameters of the burndown report no team areas and iterations appear.

Following this post I have done the following:
-Verified that work items have categories and the categories are associated with a project area and iteration.
- Run all of my data warehouse collection jobs.

Additionally I have:
- Examined the SystemOut.log. Whenever the parameter list for the report is loaded I receive the following line 4 times: "Model Adapter W handle type:". (I do not know if this is a warning/error/a-okay)

Has anyone run into this issue in the past? If yes how have you resolved it?



5 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Apr 05 '12, 7:07 a.m.
I am not completely sure, I think I realized that some of these dashboard viewlets require a Team Area. I think just a project area is not always sufficient. I could be wrong....

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Craig Raffel (7157) | answered Apr 05 '12, 10:12 a.m.
I am not completely sure, I think I realized that some of these dashboard viewlets require a Team Area. I think just a project area is not always sufficient. I could be wrong....

I have 2 unconnected RTC deployments. One is a sandbox and one is production. Both contain the same project area, I have migrated the project from sandbox to production. Sandbox has the burndown widget and populates the Iteration property but states "Info not available" in the Team Areas property of the burndown chart.

Some differences between the project area on sandbox and production are:
- Sandbox JTS is tomcat, production is websphere.
- Sandbox project area process template is Scrum, production is OpenUP.
- Production has 2 team areas. Team area #1 contains all work items and team area #2 contains only source code. Sandbox only has 1 team area, the default.

I suspect the last configuration item is the cause of my issues. I have experimented today and changed the work item to belong to the project area, changing the work item category to be owned by the project area. No luck so far.

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Christophe Lucas (86234948) | answered Apr 05 '12, 10:58 a.m.
Similar post:
How to display burnup/burndown reports based on team area?
Noticed like Ralph that in the Burndown widget, it's the names of your 'Team Area(s)' (not the name of the WI Category) which appear in the 'Query Parameters' --> the WI Category/Team Area association must be made. Another need (for a Team Area to appear in the 'Query params' list) seems to be that at least 1 work item is filed against the corresponding category.

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Craig Raffel (7157) | answered Apr 05 '12, 11:54 a.m.
Similar post:
How to display burnup/burndown reports based on team area?
Noticed like Ralph that in the Burndown widget, it's the names of your 'Team Area(s)' (not the name of the WI Category) which appear in the 'Query Parameters' --> the WI Category/Team Area association must be made. Another need (for a Team Area to appear in the 'Query params' list) seems to be that at least 1 work item is filed against the corresponding category.

I have checked and I have a work item category and it it associated with a project area and that I have work items that are "filed against" the corresponding category. I am not able to run the data collection jobs or restart the JTS server until tonight.

One configuration item I did not mention was I am using RTC I am mentioning this now as I have just tried to create 2 project areas from scratch in my sandbox, 1 using the OpenUP process template and 1 using the Scrum process template. I have had no luck in producing a burndown report. Could someone running try creating a project area with the Scrum template, create the WI categories, associated them with a team area, and test whether they can select the team area in the burndown report/burndown widget?

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Gregg Schmitmeyer (1) | answered Jun 17 '14, 4:36 p.m.
Craig, did you ever find a resolution to your issue?

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